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The Process of Catholic Baptism 
A guide booklet for first time parents

Written and illustrated by the director of Parkbrae Design Studios


This booklet was created during Covid. Mainly as an informative booklet to give first time parents and godparents the tools to understand 
this process in an easy read and an explanation of each important step towards Baptism.

Using Australian echidnas as colourful illustrations in this booklet, was the main idea in keeping the imagery and information light hearted and friendly.

It approaches each step : Choosing a church, what to expect at your first baptism meeting, choosing the godparent, the significance of a baptism candle and stole, what happens on the day. There is also a glossary which explains certain words used in baptism in simple to understand language. 
All characters have been illustrated by the director and the information has been fact checked by the local parish. 

Parkbrae Design Studios hopes you enjoy the content and have a giggle with the characters.

It's also a great way to introduce the process of Baptism to younger members of the family.

Happy Reading - Hopes It helps to clarify the process.


To order, simply tap on the 'ORDER' button above to send an order enquiry.

1 booklet              -      $9.00

2-9 booklets         -      $7.50

10-24 booklets.    -      $6.50

50-250 booklets   -      $5.00

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